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Revival Series

The Masterworks Revival Series began with Franco Faccio’s Amleto (libretto: Arrigo Boito), which was produced first at Opera Southwest in 2014, and most recently in Verona in 2023. The goal is uncovering, transcribing, and staging masterworks from the past and giving them an opportunity to be judged in the manner in which they were conceived. Sometimes they are works that were wildly popular in their time. Sometimes a bad opening night doomed them to obscurity, but more often than not, the reasons for their obscurity is clouded by the mists of time and the economics of producing opera. It is our belief that every one of them deserves a revisit. The following is a list of such masterworks that are ready for performance. Many more will follow.

Luigi Rolla e Michelangelo - Federico Ricci - 1841

Teatro alla Perfola - Florence. Libretto: Cammaranno. 4 acts. ROLES: Luigi Ricci (T), Stefano (S), Eleonora (S), Ginevra (MS), Appoani (B), Michelangelo (B), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2(d) 2 2 2, 4, 2, 3, 1, harp, timp, perc, strings. Hugely popular opera in its time. Premiere cast included Mariani and Strepponi. Performed as far away as Denmark, Poland, and Portugal.

Un maestro ed una cantante - Lauro Rossi - 1867

Teatro Nota - Torino. LIbretto: Lauro Rossi. Scherzo Comico in ONE ACT. ROLES: Un maestro (Bar), una cantante (S). NO CHORUS. Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2, 4* 2 3 1, Timp, Strings (*Cr. 3-4 only play in the Sinfonia). Wonderful meta opera, quotes Trovatore, Guillaume Tell, Lucia di Lammermoor, etc.

Lo zigaro rivale - Lauro Rossi - June 1867

Teatro Balbo - Torino. Libretto: Salvadore Cammarano. Farsa in One Act. ROLES: Timoleone (Bar), Susanna (S), Genoveffa (MS). NO CHORUS. Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2, 4* 2 3 1, Timp, Perc, Strings. (* Cr. 3-4 only play in the Sinfonia). Same story as “Il segreto di Susanna.” Also known as “ov’è fumo v’è foco.”

Margherita Pusterla - Giovanni Pacini - 25 January 1856

(Teatro San Carlo, Naples) Libretto: Domenico Bolognese. Opera Seria in 4 Acts. Roles: Franciscolo Pusterla (T), Margherita Visconti (S), Venturino (S), Luchino Visconti (B), Alpino (S), Ramengo (B), Isabella (S), Mastino (B), Bice (S), Maso (B), Nena (S), Macaruffo (B), Segratario (B), Chorus. Instrumentation 2+1 2 2 2, 2 2 3 0, Timp, Perc, Arpa, 2 Bandas, Zampogna, Strings.
Done only a few times in Naples. Definitely a masterpiece. Based on an extremely popular novel of the time by Cesare Cantù.

El criado fingido - Manuele Garcia - 1804

1 act, in Spanish. 4 characters. NO CHORUS.

Il diavolo condannato nel mondo a prender moglie - Luigi Ricci - 27 January 1827

(Teatro Nuovo, Naples). Libretto: Andrea Leone Tottola. Azione comico favoloso in 3 Acts. Roles: Astarot (T), Madama La Fleure (S), Madama La Roquille (S), Mariola (MS), Olombrone (B), Splitz (B), Sanguisuga (B), Enrichetta (S), Fabio (B), Pulcinella (Bar), Plutone (B), Proserpina (S), Minos (B), un adulatore (speaking), un mercadante (speaking), un bugiardo (speaking), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2(+1) 2 2 2, 2 2 3 1, Timp, Perc, Strings.
Enormously famous in its time. A classic battle of the sexes comedy contrasting the seriousness of Greek Myth (Pluto, Proserpina, Astarot), with the rich worldly comedy of Pulcinella and Mariola (both who sing and speak mostly in Neapolitan).

Il ritorno di Pulcinella da Padova ossia Il pazzo per amore - Vincenzo Fioravanti - 28 December 1837

(Teatro Nuovo, Naples). Libretto: Andrea Passaro. Commedia in 2 Acts. Roles: Elisa (S), D. Alfonso (B), Aurelio (B), Pulcinella (B), Dottor Bisticcio (B), Alberto (T), Stefanello (B), Serpina (S), Prospero (speaking), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2d* 2 2 2, 2 2 1 0, Timp, Perc, Strings. *Fl 2 always plays Picc.
Very popular comic opera, performed in Italian and Neapolitan. Part of it takes place in an insane asylum for musicians.

Esmeralda - Vincenzio Battista - 15 February, 1841

(Teatro Nuovo, Naples). Libretto: Domenico Bolognese. Dramma lirico in 4 Acts. ROLES: Clopin (B), Frollo (B), Quasimodo (B), Duca Gondelaurier (B), Esmeralda (S), Elisa (S), Gondelaurier (S), Febo (T), Gringoir (B), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2d, 2 2 2, 4 2 3 1, Timp, Perc. Chitarra, Harp, Strings.
Based on Hugo’s Notre-Dame de Paris with a lieto finale. Battista’s most popular work. Known variously as Esmeralda and Ermelinda.

Carlotta e Verter - Carlo Coccia - 1814

(Teatro del Cocomero, Florence). Libretto: Gaetano Gasbarri. Dramma per musica 2 Acts. Roles: Alberto (B), Carlotta (S), Verter (T), Giorgio (B), Ambrogio (B), Paolina (MS), Giulietto, Valeria, Domestici. NO CHORUS. Instrumentation: 2d* 2 2 1, 2 2 0 0, Strings. *2nd only plays Picc. Currently missing N. 2 Cavatina di Giorgio “Tutto è silenzio.” In the Firenze conservatory Library. I-Fc (D.I.V. 543)
Loosely based on Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther. It is one of several opere semiserie in the late 18th/early 19th century that has a lieto finale for the story.

I tre mariti - Giuseppe Mosca - 1811

(Teatro San Moisè, Venice). Libretto: Giuseppe Foppa. 1 Act farsa. Roles: Madama Derval (S), Lisa (S), Colmont (T), Derval (B), Il Maggiore (B), Lefort (B), NO CHORUS. Instrumentation: 2 2 2 1, 2 0 0 0, Strings. Charming one act Farsa.

Zoè, ossia l’amante in prestito - Giorgio Miceli. 18 April 1852

(Teatro Nuovo, Naples). Libretto: Ernesto del Preite. Commedia lirica in 3 Acts. Roles: Zoè (S), Ermelina (MS), Alfonso (T), Doumont (B), Pietro (B), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2* 2 2 2, 2 2 2 1, Timp, Perc, Strings. *Always 1 Fl and 1 Picc. Delightful popular comic opera from a mid-19th century Calabrese composer. Often described as an “operetta.”

La loup-garou - Louise Bertin - 1827

Opéra-Comique, Paris. Libretto: Eugène Scribe & Jacques Féréol Mazas. Opera-comique in 1 Act. Roles: Alice (S), Catherine (MS), Alberic (T), Bertrand (T), Raimbaud (B), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2d 2 2 2, 2 2 1* 0, Timp, Strings. *Trombone only in Overture. Charming operetta about a village in the grip of fear over a supposed werewolf. Re-premiered at OSW in 2022.

Alì Babà - Giovanni Bottesini - 17 January, 1871

(Lyceum Theatre, London). Libretto: Emilio Taddei. Opera comica in 4 acts. Roles: Alì Babà (B), Delia (S), Nadir (T), Aboul Hassan (B), Orsocane (B), Calaf (B), Thamar (T), Morgiana (MS), Faor (T), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2d 2d 2 2, 4 4* 3 1, Timp, Perc, Harp, Mandolino, Chitarra, Strings. Based on the tale from the 1,001 Arabian Nights. Wildly popular in London in the 1870s-80s. Re-premiered at OSW in 2019.

Dottor Bobolo - Lauro Rossi - 1845

(Teatro Nuovo, Naples). Libretto: Francesco Rubini. 3 act comic opera with spoken dialogue. Roles: Auerlio (B), Amalia (S), Bobolo (B), Zuccolino (B), Dorotea (S), Floridoro (T), Cecco (T), Chorus. Instrumentation: 1+1 2 2 2, 2 2 3 0, Timp, Strings. This opera has the first instance of a 5/4 ensemble in Italian opera that I can find. The music is beautiful and rhythmically vivacious.

Luigi Rolla e Michelangelo - Teodulo Mabellini - 1840

Libretto: Giorgio Giachetti. Melodramma in 2 acts. Roles: Michelangelo (B), Rolla (B), Stefano (S), Eleonora (S), Appiani (T), Ginevra (MS), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2+1, 2 2 2, 4 2 3 1, Timp, Perc, Harp, Strings. Big grand opera that has a really interesting story that you can kind of glean by the title, concerning a fictional sculpture contest, where the great Michelangelo comes to the aid of a younger sculptor (Luigi Rolla).

L'uomo del mistero - Giovanni Pacini - 9 November, 1841

(Teatro Nuovo, Naples). Libretto: Domenico Andreotti. 3 act semiseria. Roles: Isabella (S), Earclif (MS), Ratcliffe (T), Elsy (T), Langley (Bar), Tom (B), Ellieslaw (B), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2+1, 2 2 2, 2 2 3 0, Banda, Timp, Perc. Strings. Has spoken dialect in Neapolitan and was based on the popular Walter Scott novel "The black dwarf."

Matilde - Carlo Coccia - 1811

(Teatro San Moisè, Venice). Libretto: Giuseppe Foppa. 1 act farsa. Roles: Matilde (S), Fiammetta (MS), Federico (T), Dolibano (Bar), Pantarotto (B), NO CHORUS. Instrumentation: 1 2 2 1, 2 2* 0 0, Strings. *Trumpets only in the Sinfonia. Enormously popular in its own time, with extant manuscripts in several cities around Italy. Re-premiered at Opera Southwest September 2024.

La donna colonnello - Pietro Raimondi - 22 May, 1822

(Teatro dal fondo, Naples). Libretto: unknown. 1 act farsa. Roles: Elisa (S), Olimpia (S), Carolina (MS), Adolfo (T), Nicola (B), Enrico (B), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2, 2 2 2 0, Timp, Strings. This piece has spoken dialog in Neapolitan and has a charming plot and music.

Giambattista Cattani - Michele Puccini - 1844

(Teatro Pantera, Lucca). Libretto: Luisa Amalia Paladini. Azione Drammatica in 1 Act. Roles: Maddelena (S), Madre (MS), Cattani (T), Matraini (B), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2d 2 2 2, 4 2 3 0, Timp, Perc, Strings. This is a one act opera performed exactly one time for a special occasion, Giambattista Cattani being a famous Lucchese patriot. It has never been performed outside that one time. Michele Puccini was Giacomo Puccini’s father.

Il medico di Lucca - Sebastiano Nasolini - 1798

(Teatro S. Samuele, Venice). Libretto: Giovanni Bertati. 1 act comic opera. Roles: Ernestina (S), Barbarina (S), Agatina (MS), Girardino (T), Dottore (T), Luciano (T), Geronimo (B), NO CHORUS. Instrumentation: 1* 2 1 1, 2 0 0 0, Strings. *Flauto plays only in N. 4, Duetto. Can't find much info on it. But the piece is delightful and contains, among other things, a beautiful trio for female voices.

Il borgomastro di Schiedam - Lauro Rossi - 1844

Teatro Re, Milan. Libretto: Giovanni Peruzzini. Melodramma in 3. Roles: Margherita (S), Giannetta (S), Adalberto (T), Ilarione (B), Rinaldo (B), Daniele (B), Scudiero (B), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2d 2 2 2, 4* 2 3 1, Timp, perc. Harp, strings. * 4 Horns only in Overture. Quite popular in its time. Featured in Francesco Izzo's book Laughter between two revolutions.

Pimmaglione - Bonifazio Asioli - 1796

(Turin?) Libretto: unknown. 1 act opera. Roles: Pimmaglione (T), Galatea (S). NO CHORUS. Instrumentation: 2 2 2 1, 2 0 0 0, Strings. Same libretto that Donizetti went on to use for his Pigmaglione.

Amleto - Franco Faccio - 1865 (rev. 1871)

Teatro alla Scala, Milan. Libretto: Arrigo Boito 4 Acts. Roles: Amleto (T), Ofelia (S), Geltrude (MS), Claudio (bar), Spettro (B), Laerte, (T), Polonio (B), Orazio (B), Marcello (bar), Sacerdote (bar), Aroldo (T), Il Re (T), La Regina (S), Luciano (B), Primo Becchino (B), Secondo Becchino (speaking), Chorus. Instrumentation: 2d 2d 3 2, 4 4 3 1, Timp, Perc, Banda, Harp, Strings. Operatic treatment of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Boito’s first libretto. Re-premiere in 2014 at OSW. Productions in Delaware, Chemnitz Germany, the Bregenz festival, and Verona.

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